SPICe+ (SPICe Plus) filing form by MCA – Legal Sahayak

SPICe+ (SPICe Plus) filing form by MCA What is a SPICe form? The application for company incorporation whether it is a private limited company, Public Limited Company, One Person Company, Nidhi Company, Section 8 Company or Producer Company is filed to mca at present by way of uploading a pdf form as Spice Form. Earlier…

Trademark Class 5 – Pharmaceutical Products – Legal Sahayak

Trademark Class 5 – Pharmaceutical Products A trademark is a type of intellectual property consisting of a recognizable sign, design, or expression which identifies products or services of a particular source from those of others, although trademarks used to identify services are usually called service marks .     Trademark Classification Trademark has a total…

Trademark Class 4 – Industrial Oil and Greases – Legal Sahayak

Trademark Class 4 – Industrial Oil and Greases A trademark is a type of intellectual property consisting of a recognizable sign, design, or expression which identifies products or services are usually called service marks.   Trademark Classification Trademark has a total of 45 classes and The manufacture of goods and services are grouped into different…

Trademark Class 3 – Cosmetics and Cleaning Substances – Legal Sahayak

Trademark Class 3 – Cosmetics and Cleaning Substances A trademark is a type of intellectual property consisting of a recognizable sign, design, or expression which identifies products or services of a particular source from those of others, although trademarks used to identify services are usually called service marks.   Trademark Classification Trademark has a total…

How to Register in MSME Legal Sahayak

How to Register in MSME What is MSME registration? MSME represents Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises and venture that falls under any of these three classifications. MSME ventures are the foundation of any economy and are a motor of monetary development, advancing fair advancement for all. Thus, to help and advance MSMEs, the Government of…

Documents required for Private Limited Company Registration – Legal Sahayak

Documents required for Private Limited Company Registration Private Limited Company Registration Documents Documents are the most important part of the Registration process. If the documents do not match as desired, you shall not be able to incorporate the Company. You will keep receiving queries and would be asked for resubmission unless you submit the exact…

Benefits and Advantages of Private Limited Company – Legal Sahayak

Benefits and Advantages of Private Limited Company Benefits of Private Limited Company Private Limited Company is a very old school concept for a privately held small business entity. Almost 93 percent of the companies incorporated in India are registered as Private Limited Companies. Don’t you think there must be some “Better than I thought of”…

Company Registration Process- Legal Sahayak

Company Registration Process How to Register a Company? The process of incorporation a company has been simplified by the government recently, so even you can proceed to apply for Incorporation a company. At least you can initiate the process to incorporate the company on your own. Lets go step by step – Choose the name…

What is a Private Limited Company – Legal Sahayak

What is a Private Limited Company? PRIVATE LIMITED COMPANY Private Limited Company is a very old school and is the most accepted legal entity form is India wherein at least two people shall come together, pool the required investment (there is no limit on minimum contribution) and start executing the legitimate business idea that they…

Documents Required for Company Registration – Legal Sahayak

Documents Required for Company Registration What are the Documents Required for Company To register a company, you need to provide just the basic KYC documents of all the all the Directors, Members, Shareholders, Nominee i.e. all the Stakeholders. Basically, whoever’s name you want to be mentioned in the MOA and AOA of the company, you…