What is one person company Definition and Benefits

What is One Person Company What I OPC? – Full form, Definition and Benefits The most prevalent types of corporate legal entity for small business at an initial stage which is started, managed and executed by a single individual is One Person (Private Limited) Company – OPC. Government of India promotes the entrepreneurs of the…

One person Company (OPC) – Registration Process – Legal Sahayak

One person Company (OPC) – Registration Process What is One Person Company (OPC)? The Companies Act 2013, introduced the concept of One Person Company (OPC) in India. This enabled the entrepreneurs to start a venture if they are capable of doing so. It is important to note here that the rules do not permit non-banking…

One Person Company vs Sole Proprietorship Firm in India – Legal Sahayak

One Person Company vs Sole Proprietorship Firm in India Proprietorship has been defined as the simplest business form under which one can operate a business. It is not a legal entity and refers to a person who owns the business, personally responsible for its debts. A sole proprietorship can operate under the name of its…