How to do Trademark Search in India
When you are beginning a business character you require your extraordinary logo, name or such a personality which will pop your business character and make you distinctive among others.
Trademark is a sign, plan, image which distinguishes a specific source or firm and separate them from other and those which are utilized to recognize benefit is called as Trademark. When the Trademark Registration is enlisted the proprietor is relevant to put or ‘R’ (Registered) sign on the logo.
It is conceivable to put trademark sign-on package, name, voucher, site and the item or some other on the web or disconnected show name of the brand. It is also necessary to put a trademark on every business but on the other hand, it is also necessary for every applicant to find whether there are any relevant trademarks or not. So that while applying for a trademark you will be sure about your uniqueness.
The entire database for the Trademarks in India is under the supervision of the Controller General of Patents, Designs, and Trademarks. This date contains every type of trademark in it such as objected, registered, applied, abandoned and expired trademark registration.
This authority have allowed to check your trademark and find if it exist or not.
Trademark Classes
Trademark are classified into different codes for goods and services. There are in all 45 classes of trademarks.
Classes are a categorization of goods and services. For example, Class 1 is for “Chemicals” or Class 14 is for “Jewellery”. Class 29 is “Meat and processed food” and so on. There are in all 45 classes and you need to select one of them for Trademark search. You can use the trademark class search tool of find the correct class for your goods and services.
Types of Trademark Search
There are three different terms while searching for a trademark. One is Wordmark search type another is Phonetic search type and third is Vienna code search type. The selection of search type will differ as per the business you own.
Phonetic search
There are several trademarks which can possibly have a similar sound effect while pronunciation. So while searching for a trademark you also need to make sure that the pronunciation is different. Phonetic search produces the result for WORDMARK sounding similar. So it may take long time to give the result.
Wordmark search
Wordmark is a term now used to refer to a specific design for the written name of an organisation, company or product.
Vienna search
When a trademark has figurative elements or logo in it then the applicant needs to select Vienna search.
How to do a Trademark Search?
Anyone can easily search for trademark with the help of the government website with few easy steps.
How to do Phonetic Search?
1st step – You can visit the website of the trademark search.
2nd step – Select Phonetic in search type.
3rd step – You need to enter the value and it must be minimum 3 characters.
4th step – You need to enter a class among the 45 classes in the class section
5th step – You can give a short description in Good description section
6th – A filling the details click on search. A result will appear on the sreen.
How to do Wordmark Search?
1st step – You need can visit the website of the trademark search.
2nd step – Select Wordmark in search type.
3rd step – As soon as you select word mark, four section word mark, four sections will appear, the first section is segregated in three types Start with Contains, Match with, select one of them as per your preference.
4th step – You need to enter the name in the value section.
5th step – you have to enter a class among the 45 classes in the class section.
6th step – You can give a short description in Good description section
7th step – After filling the details click on search. A result will be appeared on the screen.
How to do Vienna Search?
1st step – You can visit the website of the trademark search.
2nd step – Select Vienna in search type.
3rd step – You need to enter words in the value section.
4th step – you need to enter a class among the 45 classes in the class section.
5th step – After filling the details click in search. A result will appear on the screen.
How to understand the Trademark Search.
As soon as you click on search, a window will be displayed in which every related trademark will be shown in it. You just need to click on any section which is relevant to you and on the right-hand side every detailed information will be displayed of the particular trademark.
It is necessary for every company to have a unique and different trademark because in case any business trademark exists then the other party has entire rights to take strict action against the one who has copied the trademark. Therefore for safety, it is necessary to do Trademark Registration which will secure you from this issues.
Apply for Trademark Registration