SPICe+ (SPICe Plus) filing form by MCA
What is a SPICe form?
The application for company incorporation whether it is a private limited company, Public Limited Company, One Person Company, Nidhi Company, Section 8 Company or Producer Company is filed to mca at present by way of uploading a pdf form as Spice Form.
Earlier it was said that the Ministry of Corporate Affairs to simplify the norms, will unveil two new forms in a month, Now in January 2020 The Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), notified to issue new form SPICe Plus as a part of India’s Ease of Doing Business initiatives.
The new form which is named Spice Plus or Spice+ shall be a replacement of the old system of uploading the pdf file. That means the existing pdf version of the spice 32 form shall be discontinued the launch of new web-based SPICe plus Form.
What is MCA SPICe+Form?
SPICe+ would be an integrated Web form offering multiple services viz. name reservation, incorporation, DIN allotment, mandatory issue of PAN, EPFO, ESIC, Profession Tax (Uttar Pradesh) and Opening of Bank Account. It will also facilitate the allotments of GSTIN wherever so applied for by the Stakeholders. After deployment of SPICe plus web form, RUN shall be applicable only for a change of name of existing companies.
Difference between SPICe INC 32 and SPICe plus
SPICe INC 32 | SPICe plus |
Reservations of name | Name reservation |
Incorporation of a new company | Incorporation |
Application for allotment of DIN | DIN allotment |
Mandatory issue of PAN | |
TAN | |
EPFO | |
ESIC | |
Profession Tax (Uttar Pradesh) | |
Opening of Bank Account |
Features of SPICe+
- Users may either choose to submit Part-A reserving a name first and thereafter submit Part B for incorporation & other services or file Part A and B together at one go for incorporating a new company and availing the bouquet of services as above.
- A new and user-friendly Dashboard on the Front Office is being created for company incorporation applications (SPICe+ and linked forms as applicable).
- Incorporation applications (Part B) after name reservation (In Part A) can be submitted as a seamless process in continuation of Part A or SPICe+. Stakeholders will not be required to even enter the SRN of the approved name as the approved Name will be prominently displayed on the Dashboard and a click on the same will take the user for a continuation of the application through a hyperlink that will be available on the SRN/application number in the new dashboard.
- Resubmission of applications for company name reservation and/or incorporation shall also be handled through the application number/Name applied for a link on the new dashboard. A hyperlink will be available for the SRM/application number, so as to enable easy resubmission, wherever required.
- From 15th February 2020 onwards, RUN service would be applicable only for the ‘change of name’ of an existing company. 8. The new web form would Facilitate On-screen filing and real-time data validation for the seamless incorporation of companies.
- The approve name and related incorporation details as submitted in Part A would be automatically Pre-filled in all linked forms also vez., AGILE-PRO, eMoA, URC1, INC-9 (as applicable)
- For ensuring ease while filling, SPICe+ will be structured into various sections.
- Information once entered can be saved and modified.
- All Check form and Pre-scrutiny validations (except DSC validation) will happen on the web form itself.
- Once the SPICe+ is filled completely with all relevant details, the same would then have to be converted into pdf format, with just a click of the mouse button, for affixing DSCs.
- All digitally signed applications can then be uploaded along with the linked forms as per the existing process.
- Changes/modifications to SPICe+ (even after generating pdf and affixing DSCs), can also be done be by editing the sme web form application which has been saved, generating the updated pdf affixing DSCs and uploading the same.
- DSC validation and other validations will happen at Upload Level.
- Registration for EPFO and ESIC shall be mandatory for all new companies incorporated w.e.f 15 February 2020 and no EPFO & ESIC registration nos. shall be separately issued by the respective agencies.
- Registration for Profession Tax shall also be mandatory for all new companies incorporated in the State of Uttar Pradesh w.e.f 15th February 2020.
- All new companies incorporated through SPICe+ (w.e.f 15th February 2020) would also be mantatorily required to apply for opening the company’s Bank account through the AGILE-PRO linked web form.
- Declaration by all Subscribers and first Directors in INC-9 shall be auto-generated in pdf format and would have to be submitted only in Electronic form in all cases, except where:
- (i) Total number of subscribers and/or directors is greater than 20 and/or
- (ii) Any such subscribers and/or directors has neither DIN nor PAN.